Polar Bear Heated compression epoxy

49.0095.00 "incl. VAT"

Epoxy resin for skis and snowboard (or similar products).
New mix ratio!

Before using, read instruction below!!!

1L Epoxy and 0.3L Hardener (This is a new hardener that mixes 100:30g)

Pot life 25min @ 25C.

The compression molding Polar Bear Biobased Epoxy System is designed for heat curing applications. Skis and snowboard manufacturing (also kite/wakeboards).


SKU: N/A Category:


Epoxy resin for skis and snowboard.

Polar bear is a heated compression bio based epoxy.

  • Applications: Polar Bear Recyclable Epoxy System is specifically formulated for compression molding applications, such as for skis and snowboard manufacturing. Heat assisted curing.
  • Mix Ratio: 100:46 by weight
Make sure you use a digital scale. Mix by weight.

Make sure you use gloves.

Tip 1: Mix a pot of 200-300mL of epoxy at the time. Dont mix much more then this! It might self heat and harden in few minutes! Stir well for 2 min with your hand, scrape the edges. The mix can become a little warm, this is normal. Let it sit for 1-2 minutes for air to escape!

Tip 2: make sure you are protected with gloves as skin contact it the worst exposure.

Tip 3: Bio based epoxy can crystalize like honey! If any crystals are present in the Resin, please make a warm water bath (about 50C or above should do, in production the resin is heated to 100 degrees so no worries) and place the Resin container in the warm water and stir til crystals are gone. This is normal for some Resins. Let it cool down to room temperature before mixing with hardener!!!

Tip 4: Regarding temperature ramp-ups, the smoother, the better. This way, we allow the materials to deform at its given time. 

Here some tricks and tips

  1. Press for 3 minutes (Room temperature)
  2. Start ramping up (10C every 5 minutes i.e.) the temperature to 85C for 15 minutes, let it cool (6 hours at least or overnight) otherwhise it can bend and deform if its demolded at high temperature.
  3. Switch off the pressure 

+Fast ramps produce different deformation speeds which are converted into internal tensions between the different materials. 

Application Tips:

  • For best results, measure the two components by weight within 5% of the recommended mix ratio.
  • Always mix product for at least two minutes, scraping the container to ensure complete mixing.
  • Use products in a controlled environment. Avoid high humidity and cold temperatures.
  • Amine blush, a by-product of the curing process, appears as a wax-like film cured epoxy and is more noticeable in cool, moist conditions. It can clog sandpaper and inhibit subsequent bonding. Blush is water-soluble and easily removed with clean water (not solvent) and an abrasive pad.
  • For good adhesion, epoxy bonding surfaces should be clean, dry and sanded.
  • If unfamiliar with the product, create smaller test samples before starting a larger scale project.

Additional information

Weight 3 kg

1,3L (1000g Resin + 300g Hardener), 2,6L (2000g Resin + 600g Hardener)